Restaurants system RestPlus process restaurant working transactions and its services, such as execution of reservation requests, direct orders of the tables and delivery requests ; as well as invoices’ issue and their payment, and other administrative and financial transactions ; and it post their results to the financial system. 
It’s a simple, powerful and reliable tool, thanks to which you will organize your whole activity, and save time and energy, and consequently break even.

System settings :
The restaurant is defined by its details, its shifts, its dinner rooms, and food categories, as well as system users and delivery men. Then, payment options, delivery service and other parameter settings are done, besides connection of restaurant system with financial system. 
Sales transactions :
• Direct sale : the cashier issues a bill indicating customer’s order and his table, or a bill with only ordered articles for the passenger customer (takeout) and receive bill amount
 directly from the customer, then he prints the bill.
• Sale by reservation : the cashier issues a bill indicating customer and order details, as well as arrival time, service’s conditions, and bill’s payment mode.
• Sale with delivery : the cashier create a bill with customer’ information who asked for delivery and his precise address, in addition to ordered articles and delivery man’s
 information, then save the bill with the options necessary for order execution of its payment, afterwards he prints the bill.
Functionalities/options :
• Connection dining room/kitchen and printing of ordered articles list in kitchen, with or without comments (side dish, doneness…).
• Management of “next” to launch the following dishes (parameter setting up to several levels).
• Management of the multiple printers.
• Management of the discounts and the offered articles.
• Transfer of bills, receipts and cashdesk movements to financial system Motakamel Plus.
• Possibility to know the share of each product in your turnover (value and percentage).
• Thanks to the dashboard, you can visualize your turnover per day/week/month, user, meal, article, dinner room, etc.
• Management of the services : takeout meals, tariffication according to time and zone of sale...
• Management of the customer segmentation.
• Parameter setting of customers’ bills and tickets.
• Management of coffee shop, fast-food, etc.


Mobile application of restaurants is a module of customer’s reception service which consists in displaying the menu on the mobile or the tablet to indicate the choice of the customer ; then, the waiter execute the order and carry on billing procedures and payment.
Main advantages of the system :
1. Satisfaction of the whole administrative and financial requirements of the restaurant, current and future.
2. Use’s facility of restaurants system in more than one local or overseas branch and by several users with the Multiuser technique or connection network options.
3. General and detailed reports available in the form of statistics or graphics on the sales by casher, article, mode of payment, per hour, or other.
Mobile version on Android
Management of the tables, order intake, of sending order to kitchen, of bills printing and encashment with the same ergonomics as the Touchscreen version. 

Each waiter can be equipped with his own tablet and take orders from customers’ tables.

Operate in WIFI and require only one work station with RestPlus TouchScreen and one or more WIFI access point.
Accounts with all the systems under Android.



Ultimate FERP by S2I Algeria can be linked to the financial systems OnyxPro ERP or Motkamel Plus for a restaurant integrated management, through customers, purchases, stocks, and accounts.
