Electronic Messages Services

Electronic SMS System sends messages to the high management or clients to support their relationship with the organization performance processes.


The Most Important Functions

  1. Configuring and setting up messages information, methods of sending, and recipients.
  2. Sending mobile messages or emails about accounts balances or any carried out transaction to anyone of the high management.
  3. Sending mobile messages or emails to clients about carried out transactions on their accounts.

The Most Important Features

  1. The possibility of sending single or mass messages.
  2. The messages may be explanatory or notes as they are textual messages.
  3. Instantaneous reception of transactions notifications by concerned people.
  4. Getting required information without logging into the system.
  5. Supporting specialists’ decisions in any place and at any time.
Electronic SMS Service System provides accounts balances after each transaction carried out on account in any of OnyxPro systems.


Assistance & Instructions

Help & Instructions System is part of office work environment for OnyxPro Systems user to achieve quality for the organization in fulfilling his/her tasks.

The Most Important Functions

  1. Creating list of favorite accounts, which are selected accounts from the chart of accounts, according to user specialty.
  2. Exchanging internal messages in system between users to facilitate their communication.
  3. Saving contact data of parties and persons with whom the organization wants to deal with in addresses book to be used flexibly within OnyxPro systems.
  4. Editing agenda of tasks to be carried out by users.
  5. Accessing to help information with detailed instructions for OnyxPro systems.

The Most Important Features

  1. Quick access to accounts that are always displayed.
  2. Safe and rapid communication with the administrator and co-workers via system’s internal messages.
  3. Easy access to help information from any screen in the system.
  4. User’s agenda alert about daily tasks that must be accomplished.
Help & Instructions System helps the user to accomplish his/her tasks in all OnyxPro systems.