Control and Privileges

Control & Privileges mean the most important functions of System Management which are the control on defining users, granting them privileges, securing data, and ensuring trust in information safety.
The Most Important Functions:
1.Defining users, classifying them to groups and linking them to these groups.
2.Granting privileges for each users according to the enterprise’s organizational structure and his/her tasks.
3.Monitoring users transactions and data during carrying out their tasks.
4.Making backups to secure the organization data.
5.Opening new accounting entity for the organization new activities of investment according to the granted license.
The Most Important Features:
1.Easiness of moving configuration and inputs between accounting entities, in addition easiness of users confiruration with the capability of coping user privileges to another.
2.Defining time of system using such as opening it during work hours as well as closing it out of works hours and holidays.
3.Regulating users transactions and out measuring their performance by table or graphic reports.
4.Issuing detailed reports about monitoring users inputs, outputs and transactions.
Control & Privileges System manages granting privileges for all users of OnyxPro ERP, monitors carrying out users tasks, and evaluates users performance.

Closing and Locking

Closing & Locking System in closing allows: closing the defined financial period and moving balances to the the following period. In Locking allows: preventing work on system during a defined period in order to control users for carrying out transactions on time or to stop users or branch for specific purposes. 
The Most Important Functions:
1.Opening new year and moving configurations as well as inputs at the end of financial period to the new year with the capability to change configuration in the new year or period.
2.Making the accounting imapcts and completing transactions during the financial period.
3.Making the accounting adjustments for differences in exchange of foreign currencies.
4.Moving accounts, inventory, leaves and the other balances from the previous year end to the beginning of new year.
5.Timely stop of working on system either temporal, general, by user, by branch, or by transactions. 
The Most Important Features:
1.Automatic evaluation for differencs in exchange of foreign currencies.
2.Knowing the organization final outcome of profit or loss at the end of of any financial period.
3.Changing work mechanism in configuration and inputs in the new year easily.
4.Controlling transactions carrying out on time by staff.
The Process of Closing prevents user from conducting any transaction withing the locked period, and the annual closing moves the balances of all OnyxPro Systems to new.